Monday, November 21, 2005

Pre Holiday Monday


So its Monday--half the office is gone on PTO--and I don't want to work. Its after 5pm--I am allowed to say that now. It something to do with the short week--I want to make it way shorter than three days, say two days, and just scrapbook for a day. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? I was able to scrap a bit yesterday--I am trying to finish my sister's housewarming gift. It's a book for her to keep all the important house information in one place--like utility information, neighbors' phone numbers, take-out menus and reservation numbers, etc. Its just a little 8x8 book, and I am going to bind it using the wire GBC comb and my new-to-me binding machine. I hope it turns out.

Other things going on, not much. We get to see the plans for the addition hopefully by next week. I am looking forward to having more space. Especially since C is seeing where he went wrong by offering to vacate his computer stuff out of the extra bedroom. Somehow I knew that wasn't going to last for too long, but hey got almost a year out of him. So, once the addition is complete, our bedroom now will be turned into the office for both of us. My next idea is to get him this really cool desk that will fit his computer, paperwork, etc. but leaves me the majority of the space for my stuff. If I am able to find a desk that he likes, maybe he won't notice I am only giving him a quarter of the space we have set aside for our office. hmmmmmm......

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