Wednesday, August 10, 2005

To find the time...

I love writing entries in my blog, and I adore reading my girfriends' blogs, so why does it take me forever to make an entry in mine? I am going to try and place something in here at least once every two or three days, and then I will feel better. So what's new with me? Working way too much, and having a difficult time deciding over this whole bankruptcy/asset purchase with the other company.

More importantly though, I hate my face. The whole non-birth control thing/not pregnant thing is making my face break out horribly, and the no-acne teenager years are paying a toll on me again. I buy everything under the sun, OTC, that I come across to rid my face. I try it for two weeks, and if I don't see an improvement, throw that out, and try again. Forget the meds that I have from the dermotologist, because of warnings on the labels. I seem to be getting better with my latest purchase, either that or I'm pregnant. So let's all cross our fingers for my face, that my acne-hell is over soon!!

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