Thursday, July 07, 2005

I can't believe its July

So, here we are its already July 7th. Can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I am doing reasonable well. I am teaching my husband how to truly clean. Have you ever known a man that calls cleaning the act of removing trash (or hiding it in a drawer so you can't see it) cleaning. I know every one of you has one. So, I have helped him learn how to use a mop, taught him what dusting is, and yes you really do need to vaccum. And I am here to tell you it was a success. C is very good about cooking dinner if I am home late, doing the laundry, but when it came to actual cleaning he never got the hang of it, until now. Its a huge help. I am very glad he does not complain too much, and I always make sure that I compliment him on his effort.

Well, I need to go home now. It's been a long day. Hopefully, I come home to a clean kitchen. That would make my evening.

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