Friday, July 08, 2005

Harry Potter


I will admit it, I am a Harry Potter addict. I love the books. They provide an escape into another world and put me back to being eleven reading all day long in the summer time. I am such the addict that next weekend when the book comes out, we will be in Prescott for C's annual golf tournament. I have already called the barnes&noble store up there and reserved a copy for myself to pick up on Saturday afternoon. So, if you haven't already done so, reserve your own copy today, and we all can be eleven again together.

1 comment:

CarrieB said...

Yeah! New content! I love reading your blog and keeping up with your life! I hope you enjoy that new book. I haven't read any Harry Potter yet. I'm trying to get through The Time Traveler's Wife, but I only read in small chunks lately (waiting at the doctor's office, or just before I pass out at bedtime). Enjoy Prescott!