Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Observations about the world we live in...

I have noticed over the past few weeks in dealing with contractors and handimen, trades people, and in general other people, that as a general rule people don't care anymore. They don't care that they don't do what they say they are going to do; that they lie to people; that they don't take pride in their work and they say it's good enough...I could go on and on. What is wrong with people today?

When did people stop caring about work or behaviors that reflect negatively about themselves to other people? Are what people in other countries saying about Americans true? I hope not, because I try really hard in my life to put the best foot forward, give my very best efforts (except of course when I procrastinate, but I will readily admit that), and not lie to people. I don't really want to be lumped in with the slugs of this society, and viewed by the rest of the world as not caring. Here's the question though: Why has this happened?