Thursday, March 30, 2006

You know you are loved...

Well Carrie did a wonderful tribute to her mom in her blog today! So I am going to return the favor for my friends. I adore Carrie and Korie, I love their spirit for life. They both have unique traits that I don't have, and it's fun hearing the adventures. For example, they take risks. Carrie with her adventures in the peace corps, and Korie leaping in with both feet to the overseas adventures with her husband. I adore that spirit knowing that I could never do that--it is way outside my comfort zone.

I love the fact that they are both love organization. They need to have it, almost like breathing. The day planners, PDAs, notebooks filled with appointments. And they always need that, otherwise they feel their worlds' are out of control. It cracks me up when either of them get a new calendar or planner because I can feel how happy they are when their world is in order.

...and the talent. They are both so talented with their scrapbooking.

Carrie has dedicated a ton of time to scrapping the memories for her children. Each one has their own scrapbook filled with layouts that Carrie has done so beautifully. With those books, Carrie has made each of her children feel special.

Korie with her classes and her original creativity for all things with paper and her new found friend, photography. Baby G will adore all the pictures you have taken of her as she gets older...I promise.

The final thought, I love that they care...I am super busy in my life, but when I write on the blog, they read and respond---always. I know that I can depend on these two amazing women throughout my life, just as much as they can depend upon me. I love you both!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

What is wrong with me--Day 2


So, C and I had a talk about this and I finally got to talk to the doctor's nurse.

1. C's suggestion: I need to learn to release the stress. I get all wound up, and stress, as much as I read, really messes up your system. So, I am on a mission to learn to breath deep, and let the stress go.
2. Spoke to the nurse, and I have an appointment on May 2nd for blood work, etc. At least that is much better than 4 months out. She was great, and I was happy that I called. If there is nothing wrong, then I will be able to breath easier. Her parting words, "If you get pregnant between now and then, please call and cancel this appointment and set one up for your first pregnancy visit." I said thanks, and told her I would call right away if that happened.
3. Why are the stupid, poor people in this country breeding? and so easily? I got it, they have no stress, the government will pay for their children so no worries...but I digress.

Korie--thank you so much for the great response. I appreciate you!! I promise I will keep you posted on the happenings.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

What the hell is wrong with me?

OK--we have a problem Houston--and it is otherwise known as my reproductive system. Nothing is taking...had positive thoughts all this month...thought just maybe...maybe...but, no. Almost broke down in the bathroom at work here, but quickly put it back together--this place is so unfriendly at times--you don't need to hear a crying PM in the stall in the ladies room. So, decided to spill it in the blog instead. I have made an appointment (sort of, on the waiting list) to see my OB/GYN, and with this issue the nurse has to call me back and give me some instructions before seeing the doctor. God knows what that is...take your temperature, pee on a stick until you see a second line...and all the other things that I have been doing for the past year. Sure, waiting until I was ready shouldn't have been a big thing...I am only 34! Other thoughts, I am truly trying to stay positive with everything...but why can't this happen? And oh by the way, is it normal to be a complete jealous freak when you hear about a friend expecting, or almost in tears when you see a baby or pregnant woman...then a few minutes later think it's totally unfair to feel the way you do towards friends and that I seriously need some mental help...AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF-one of my little pleasures in life, reading CK while curled up in bed, has lost all appeal, because I will just see another cute layout of an adorable baby staring back at me...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Ok--Tub specs for my dear friend who is grossed out by gunk---believe me I thought about cleaning--as I do hate to do that chore. . . the tub has a control to blow air through the jets to clean them out after every bath so they stay clean. As for the price, the original tub I thought would be fun to have is over $8000. True--and I almost fell out of my chair when I heard the price. I'm not paying that though...C and I can get things wholesale, so my price would be half the know me, I typically freak out when I spend that much on one thing. And C has to keep reassuring me..."Are you OK with spending this much money? You aren't going to hypervenilate on me, are you?" All I can say is he knows me too well--and at times its quite scary...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Can't Commit Decorator (Day2)

OK--so you said you would help. So now is the opportunity...I decided I would pick out the bathroom sinks and bathtub first. Those, I thought would be pretty easy. I wanted clean lines, nothing frilly, but the bathtub had to be special. My aunt sent me this article saying what the five hottest trends in home remodeling are today, tomorrow, and future. The article said you do not design for what is hot today, but what is hot tomorrow or future (depending on budget). Good advice...the trouble is that I have wanted a whirlpool bath for ages, and now I was finally getting one...enter problem...article said that "whirlpool baths are yesterday." My heart sank, until I read further...bathtubs that have whirlpool capabilities but also soaking capabilities are the tomorrow, and the future just way to expensive for our little pocketbook. So tomorrow it is... so here is the bathtub...its by Kohler. And the tomorrow aspect of this tub is the chromatherapy lighting. Sounds interesting, and the clean lines of the bathtub means no curves or grooves that I will have to scrub to get clean. Click here to see the matching sinks.

So what do you think?

Signing off--Can't commit decorator

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My friend Carrie tagged me. I always enjoy reading other people's answers. So here are mine:
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Reservation Agent for Choice Hotels
2. Dillards salesperson
3. Waitress at an Italian Restaurant
4. Engineer

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Knotting Hill
2. Office Space
3. Oceans 11 (hot men)
4. All the Harry Pottter movies

Four places you have lived:
1. Chicago, Illinois
2. Phoenix, Arizona
3. Tucson, Arizona
4. Indianapolis, Indiana

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Alias
2. ER
3. Survivor
4. Coupling

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Ireland/Europe
2. Vancouver
3. Orlando
4. All over California

Four websites I visit daily
1. Friends' blogs
2. Ali Edward's blog
3. MSN
4. 2peas (not every day, but I don't spend a huge amount of time on the net)

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Italian
2. tacos
3. Peach Kuchen (its a peach pie basically, my mom makes it, and its to die for)
4. the breakfast burritos my husband makes

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. beach
2. getting a pedicure---I desperately need one
3. on vacation with my husband
4. scrapbooking with my girlfriends

Four friends I am tagging I think will respond:
1. Sarah
2. Mara
3. Deanna
4. Korie (I know she has already been tagged by Carrie)